The web's largest repository of ORE and LDS Exam syllabus questions - tried and tested by our dental team the questions cover the entire Syllabus for both the LDS and ORE. This includes:
- 98% pass rate - we ask all our students to come back and fill out our survey once they have taken the exam.
- One year - unlimited access.
- Up to date questions - from the British Dental Foundation.
- For ORE and LDS RCS exams.
- Features all question types - encountered in dentistry exams EMQs, SAQs, OSCEs.
- Access all areas - in addition to 100's of questions subscribers get access to texts covering the ORE syllabus.
- Money back guarantee - if you fail your exam we will give you a refund on your purchase.
- Innovative question system - questions which are graded automatically with detailed feedback which enables you to track your progress.
- Recommended reading - guiding you to the best resources!
- Forums - our hugely popular subscriber forums.
- Additional resources - including chemistry tutorials, useful weblinks and tips.
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Last modified: Monday, 17 July 2023, 10:11 PM